Romance on the Spectrum

Dating and romantic relationships are perennial challenges for people on the autism spectrum. At AASCEND‘s January 16 general meeting we’ll be showing the film Autism in Love. Arthur Ryel-Lindsey of the Tribeca Film Festival writes about the film,
With beautiful cinematography and remarkable compassion, [Director Matt] Fuller examines the everyday realities of autistic adulthood, showing how the members of this often-misunderstood community cope with the challenge of keeping romance alive over the years. Capturing both the joys and heartbreak of love, Fuller emphasizes struggles that are only too familiar, creating in Autism in Love a relatable and winning celebration of accepting the differences in others and in ourselves.”


Following the screening there will be a panel discussion by spectrum adults in relationships — relating first-hand the challenges of autistic love. Come share your own stories and questions about dating and romance on the spectrum!

PLUS Hear Paul Nussbaum’s preliminary report on the Greenland-prep expedition in Yellowstone! Details to follow at a later AASCEND meeting. Follow the ongoing expedition here. (Be sure to zoom way in on the interactive map!)

When: Sat Jan 16, 10am – noon
Where: The Arc of SF 1500 Howard St. @ 11th St.    SF, CA 94103  map   

Parking is available in the garage at 255 12th Street, with a reasonable flat rate for Saturdays. There is also metered street parking for $2/hr.

Breaking News: Icy Autism Expedition Underway

AASCEND board member Paul Nussbaum — veteran and leader of the AASCEND Conquering Heights trans-Sierra expedition — along with a team of eight assembled by autism sports organization Ascendigo have embarked on a nine-day ski expedition across the frigid winter desolation of Yellowstone National Park. This grueling excursion is by way of preparation for a planned expedition across the Greenland ice cap next year,  highlighting autistic teamwork and abilities. The team is now hauling sledges heavily laden with supplies and gear, as it will be doing in the Arctic. Meanwhile temperatures on the journey are fated to drop below 0 degrees Fahrenheit, approximating Greenland conditions. Follow their progress courtesy of expedition member and radioman Douglas Paley at this interactive map. (Be sure to zoom in!) Here’s Paul on earlier expeditions:

Paul Nussbaum in ski gear