Are you mystified by how to get and use credit cards wisely, or do you have trouble managing the credit you already have? If so AASCEND‘s July 15 meeting is for you. Understanding and managing credit is an important part of financial life, but it is a part that confuses and troubles many people on the autism spectrum. At our next general meeting Balance, the consumer credit counseling nonprofit at work in San Francisco for 45 years, will present a workshop on credit management. Come get your questions answered and get pointed in a good direction to have your credit problems solved.
Please bring your stories of trouble getting, managing and keeping credit so we can all benefit from your experience!
When: Sat July 15, 10am – noon
Where: The Arc of SF 1500 Howard St. @ 11th St. SF, CA 94103 map
Parking is often available in the garage at 255 12th Street, with a reasonable flat rate for Saturdays. There is also metered street parking for $2/hr