Breaking News: Icy Autism Expedition Underway

AASCEND board member Paul Nussbaum — veteran and leader of the AASCEND Conquering Heights trans-Sierra expedition — along with a team of eight assembled by autism sports organization Ascendigo have embarked on a nine-day ski expedition across the frigid winter desolation of Yellowstone National Park. This grueling excursion is by way of preparation for a planned expedition across the Greenland ice cap next year,  highlighting autistic teamwork and abilities. The team is now hauling sledges heavily laden with supplies and gear, as it will be doing in the Arctic. Meanwhile temperatures on the journey are fated to drop below 0 degrees Fahrenheit, approximating Greenland conditions. Follow their progress courtesy of expedition member and radioman Douglas Paley at this interactive map. (Be sure to zoom in!) Here’s Paul on earlier expeditions:

Paul Nussbaum in ski gear