Frequently Asked Questions about AASCEND:
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When and where is your next meeting and what is the topic?
AASCEND meetings, including the topic, time and location, are always announced on this website and also in an email sent to subscribers. If you don’t see it here, stay tuned — and subscribe to our newsletter! (We use Mailchimp: It’s easy to unsubscribe later if you wish.)
What does it cost to attend meetings?
AASCEND meetings are free, but we do have expenses and gratefully accept donations.
Can you please send me more information about AASCEND?
If you live within 100 miles of San Francisco by far the best way to get more information about AASCEND is to attend one of our regular free meetings!
Can you help my young child?
AASCEND is dedicated to the needs of adults on the autism spectrum. Your child will be an adult soon enough so we encourage you to attend an AASCEND meeting to get a sense of what’s in store — and to help shape the future.
Can you refer me to a therapist or to someone who will give a diagnosis?
Referrals for therapy or diagnosis are difficult because peoples’ experiences differ so greatly. However, given the great demand for referrals we are now trying to assemble basic referral information for the San Francisco area. We’ll do our best but needless to say AASCEND cannot accept responsibility for the therapeutic or diagnostic outcome of any referral.
Will AASCEND participate in my research project?
If your project is directed to the experience and needs of adults on the autism spectrum, their family and friends, and people who work with them — and if the project has strong privacy safeguards, then some AASCEND members may well be interested in participating. AASCEND acknowledges the importance of well-conducted research in securing the future of autistic people.
Do you have volunteer positions for students?
AASCEND is an all-volunteer organization and we are in the early stages of integrating student volunteers. Please contact us with your volunteer interests.
Do you have any paid jobs available?
AASCEND is an all-volunteer organization and has no paid positions to offer now.