Thank-You-Paul! Walk and Mini-Picnic

Register now for the 2023 Stanford Neurodiversity Summit, coming up October 1-3 online. The program is very strong, with much content by, for and about autistic adults. Click here to see the program and here to register. (Details below.) The conference is very inexpensive by the most standards.

At 11am on  Saturday September 30 join AASCEND at a mini-picnic-and-walk starting at the Crissy Field Warming Hut Store below the Golden Gate Bridge—to celebrate the incredible labors of Paul Nussbaum, who has been showcasing autistic ability and determination on the Pacific Crest Trail. Earlier this season Paul was turned back by fires in Canada and Washington, but undaunted he returned south to complete the one stretch of the PCT he had not hiked in California. He is now on the way back north, heading into the first storm of the season, hoping to reach the Bridge of the Gods on the Columbia River, thus completing his trek also through all of Oregon. If all goes to plan, Paul should just be able to make it back in time to join us at the celebration! Let’s all show up to honor his remarkable effort and commitment.

We’ll meet at the Crissy Field Warming Hut Store, indicated on the map below. There are 150 paid parking places by the Hut ($3/hr, paid by credit card) and free parking a 5-minute walk up the road at Fort Point. Many buses serve the Eastern end of Crissy Field, a 25-minute walk away. Bring your own lunch. There are packaged snacks and coffee at the Warming Hut Store. Dress according to the weather!

AASCEND Co-chair Greg Yates joined Paul for his California-completing hike between Ebbetts and Sonora Passes, and Paul delegated reporting of the trip to Greg so that he could prepare for his northward journey.

Here is Greg’s report: On the Oregon Trail there was an expression, “Have you seen the elephant?”, meaning, “Have you experienced the heartbreaking difficulty of your pioneering journey yet?” Well, I have joined Paul on the Pacific Crest Trail and I have seen the elephant! What Paul is doing is incredibly difficult. I was wasted to the point of near-exhaustion by the second day on the trail, and we had to take an extra day to allow for rest. Hauling a 40-pound pack thousands of feet up mountains turns out to be rather difficult, and to do it week after week as Paul has done is unimaginable to me. At the same time we were surrounded everywhere in wilderness beauty and interest. See the full report with cool pictures here. Here is his current Progress Map, which should be complete to the Columbia River by picnic-time.


Stanford Neurodiversity Summit (Register Now!)

Here’s a link to a recording of Dr. Makoto Kawai’s recent excellent talk on Autism and Sleep. // Extreme smoke from wildfires has (temporarily) forced Paul Nussbaum off the Pacific Crest Trail near Mt. Hood in northern Oregon, details forthcoming. // Mark your calendars for the AASCEND picnic to be held in Golden Gate Park September 30, details arriving soon.

Register now for the 2023 Stanford Neurodiversity Summit, coming up October 1-3 online. The program is very strong, with much content by, for and about autistic adults. Click here to see the program and here to register. The conference is very inexpensive by the most standards.


Autism and Sleep

The Stanford Neurodiversity Summit 2023 is now accepting registration for TWO conferences. Scroll down for details and to be considered for possible complimentary tickets for neurodivergent adults without means.

At our recent in-person meeting at the SF Arc we conducted a survey of preferences about future meetings, and near the top of the list was sleep challenges in autism. In response, at the August 19 AASCEND general meeting we will hear from Dr. Makoto Kawai, a specialist in sleep medicine at Stanford, talking about Sleep in ASD. Details will be forthcoming as the date approaches.

Picture of Makoto Kawai with hip hair, glasses and white lab coat

Dr. Makoto Kawai is a Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, specializing in Sleep Medicine, at Stanford University. He is also a member of the Maternal & Child Health Research Institute. He studies sleep medicine in aging and brain function. He also investigates the impact of sleep on cognitive/affective function and behavior. He knows what he’s talking about, so come prepared to learn, and bring your own experience with autism and sleep, and your questions!

Who: Adults on the autism spectrum, families, mentors and professionals all welcome. For more information, please contact:
When: Sat Aug 19, 10am – 11am (approx.) 
Where: Online via Zoom. URL and password will be sent

NEXT, TWO neurodiversity conferences from the Stanford Neurodiversity Project are now open for registration. Click the images for details:

……..(Click the image for the program, and here to register.)

The conference is very inexpensive by the most standards. Please support the conference by purchasing tickets if you can. Otherwise click HERE to be considered for complimentary tickets to the Stanford Neurodiversity Summit.

NEXT, employment-needs survey LAST CHANCE:

Here is your last chance to participate in a survey to help us gain a better understanding of your needs in finding employment.  For many years AASCEND has been offering a weekly job club and once a month employment events to it’s members. We ask that you take the next 10-15 minutes to fill out the survey for your situation (un-employed or employed).  

All your information is anonymous. The survey is being administered by Dan Middleton of Catalight.

We will use this important feedback to provider better programs for you in the future.

Click one of the survey buttons:

AND Paul Nussbaum is back on the Pacific Crest Trail! Click here to check his progress!

Lots of News from AASCEND!

We have a lot of news today, so be sure to read on down to catch it all! Highlights include Autism&Sleep, Stanford Conference Registration, a Young Adult social event, an employment program survey, Paul Nussbaum back on the PCT, a new AASCEND TV segment about health, and more. Scroll on down!

At our recent in-person meeting at the SF Arc we conducted a survey of preferences about future meetings, and near the top of the list was sleep challenges in autism. In response, at the August 19 AASCEND general meeting we will hear from Dr. Makoto Kawai, a specialist in sleep medicine at Stanford, talking about Sleep in ASD. Details will be forthcoming as the date approaches.

NEXT, TWO neurodiversity conferences from the Stanford Neurodiversity Project are now open for registration:

Click the image for details.
Click the image for the program, and here to register.

NEXT, AASCEND is hosting our second young adult social event, another afternoon of games and socializing, especially for transition-age participants (ages 18-30), in Berkeley on Sunday, August 13, from 3 to 6pm. The event will be at Victory Point Cafe in Berkeley. There is a reservation fee of $12/person. There is also food to buy at the cafe.

Address: Victory Point Cafe, 1797-A Shattuck Ave, Berkeley, CA 94709
Date: Sunday, August 13, 2023 – Time: 3-6pm
Drink and Food Menu
Games Available at Victory Point Cafe
Signup Link with details

Questions? Call 510 910 3838.

NEXT, an employment-needs survey:

To all our AASCEND members. We are pleased to announce a survey to help us gain a better understanding of your needs in finding employment.  For many years AASCEND has been offering a weekly job club and once a month employment events to it’s members. We ask that you take the next 10-15 minutes to fill out the survey for your situation (un-employed or employed).  

All your information is anonymous. The survey is being administered by Dan Middleton of Catalight.

We will use this important feedback to provider better programs for you in the future.

Click one of the survey buttons:

NEXT, after a years-long hiatus due to Covid closing the trail, Paul Nussbaum is back on the Pacific Crest Trail! Click here to check his progress!

NEXT, be sure to check out the latest from AASCEND TV, Dr. Clarissa Kripke speaking about Autism Health:

LASTLY, If you are interested in helping put a 12-question survey about Aging in Autism on Survey Monkey or similar, with proper (HIPAA-type) privacy protections, then please contact

Thank you, and thank you for reading all the way down!

Gone Fishin’ (+ transition-age event!)

There will be an afternoon of games and socializing, especially for transition-age participants (ages 18-30), in Berkeley on Sunday, July 2nd, from 3 to 6pm. The event will be at Victory Point Cafe in Berkeley. There is a reservation fee of $12/person. Reservations are needed otherwise the space will be filled and no tables available.  Additional costs due to food orders vary from person to person depending on what they want to order.  People can sit at various tables and play the various games available at the cafe, or they can sit and talk and mingle.

Address: Victory Point Cafe, 1797-A Shattuck Ave, Berkeley, CA 94709
Date: Sunday, July 2nd, 2023 – Time: 3-6pm
Drink and Food Menu
Games Available at Victory Point Cafe
Make a Reservation Here: (Reservation fee is $12/person)

It helps the organizers (and helps them help you) when you also RSVP Here.
Contact with any questions.

The Cafe is an 8-minute walk from the Downtown Berkeley BART station, north along Shattuck Avenue past Delaware St, The cafe is on the right.

In other news you can see highlights of the recently-completed Autsit 2023 meditation retreat for the neurodivergent at and here.

ALSO: The Stanford Neurodiversity Summit being held Oct 1-3 is now accepting registrations here.

AASCEND had a great homecoming to our old home at the Arc. Forty-five people, friends old and new, showed up and had a chance to catch up and network for the first time in years. We had a lively and constructive discussion of ideas for future programs (stay tuned for program developments) and there was lots of delicious coffee from Ted’s next door, plus donuts!

And now, for the month of July, AASCEND is taking a summer break, to return in August. The Monday Job Club meetings will continue as usual.

See you in August!

Return to the Arc!

Mark your calendars for the 2023 Stanford Neurodiversity Summit, coming up Oct 1-3

Be sure to check out the latest from AASCEND TV!

The return to the Arc was great! Forty-five people, friends old and new, showed up and had a chance to catch up and network for the first time in years. We had a lively and constructive discussion of ideas for future programs (stay tuned for developments) and there was lots of delicious coffee from Ted’s next door, plus donuts!

On June 17 AASCEND returns to the Arc, for its first in-person, brick-and-mortar general meeting since the start of the pandemic!!! Join us for donuts, coffee and conversation as we welcome friends old and new. We plan to relax and enjoy each other’s company as we have not been able to do for too long. We’ll be reviewing a list of proposed future meeting topics, to see which people prefer, and to hear your suggestions. Also, for fun, bring your summer media favorites—your recommendations for games online and off, movies, videos, websites and even books and graphic novels, as we aim to get the most of the summer season.

There will also be a breakout session for Transition-age youth and families to plan social events.

Moving forward, our plan is to hold some monthly meetings online and some in-person, in addition we will continue to sponsor hikes and social events.

Everything is free and all are welcome. It will be great to see everybody live and in person again, and we certainly hope to see you there! Here’s a picture of the Arc:

At the moment we do not plan a hybrid online/in-person meeting—as an incentive for people to show up in-person. To hear the latest updates be sure you are on our email list: If you are not on our email list, click here to sign up. No registration is necessary.

As usual at AASCEND meetings, attendees on the autism spectrum will offer their experience and perspectives throughout the program.

Who: Adults on the autism spectrum, families, mentors and professionals all welcome. For more information, please contact:
When: Sat Jun 17, 10am – noon (approx.)
Where: The Arc of SF 1500 Howard St. @ 11th St.    SF, CA 94103  map   

Making the Most of Job Fairs and Employer Events

The Kirby Cove Hike was delightful. See pictures below!

At the June 3 AASCEND Job Club, Dan Middleton and Keith Halperin will continue their series on proven job search and retention strategies. This month they will focus on making the most of job fairs and employer events, which are coming back in person. Dan and Keith will be interviewed by Job Club facilitator Michael Bernick. Job club member Mark Romoser will discuss his new job with the City of Oakland, and the rewarding of persistence. Attendees are encouraged to bring their experience with Job Boards, and questions about them.

Dan Middleton & Keith Halperin

The Zoom meeting URL and password will be sent to people on our email list as the date approaches. If you are not on our email list, click here to sign up. No registration is necessary.

As usual at AASCEND meetings, attendees on the autism spectrum will offer their experience and perspectives throughout the program.

Who: Adults on the autism spectrum, families, mentors and professionals all welcome. For more information, please contact:
When: Sat Jun 3, 10am – 11am (approx.)
Where: Online via Zoom. URL and password will be emailed.

Hike to Kirby Cove!

Stanford University is seeking autistic individuals, family members, and providers for autistic people, to participate in a working group on Sleep and Autism. Details below, now with clickable link!

Kirby Cove is one of San Francisco’s hidden gems–just a short walk from the Golden Gate Bridge’s north end, but feeling like a cozy hideaway in the wilds, and with spectacular views! On Saturday, May 20 AASCEND Board member and Pacific Crest Trail Hiker Paul Nussbaum will take us to the Cove! We’ll meet at 11am at the Headlands Parking lot (X on the maps). This is across Highway 101 from the Vista Point familiar to millions of tourists. There should be plenty of parking there, particularly if you get there closer to 10:30am. The Golden Gate Transit 130 bus stops near Vista Point at 10:40am, about a 3-minute walk (via the under-bridge walkway at Vista Point) to our parking-lot meeting place.

There are bathrooms and water at Vista Point and Kirby Cove. The hike is about a mile each way. We plan to sit down together to eat at Kirby Cove, so bring a lunch and something to drink. We’ll be walking on an unpaved road, so wear suitable shoes. Also check the weather and dress accordingly.

It will be fun to walk and talk together in such a beautiful place. See you there!


Who: Adults on the spectrum, family, professionals and friends all welcome!

When: Saturday, May 20 2023 at 11:00 AM (or a little before)

Where: Headlands Parking lot (X on maps above)

For questions contact

Job Boards for the Neurodiverse & How to Use Them

Stanford University is seeking autistic individuals, family members, and providers for autistic people, to participate in a working group on Sleep and Autism. Details below.

Image shamelessly borrowed from

The May 6 AASCEND Job Club takes a deep dive into Job Boards for the Neurodiverse Community. There is a growing number of job boards specializing in jobs for adults with autism and related neurodiverse conditions. Dan Middleton and Keith Halperin, facilitators of AASCEND’s Monday evening job club sessions, have compiled a list of 20 of these specialized job boards, and will discuss how to effectively use them. In addition, Dan and Keith will discuss effective use of the more general job boards, such as Indeed, and job boards specialized by occupations and sectors. Come with your questions.  The discussion will be led by Job Club facilitators Dan Middleton and Keith Halperin.

Dan Middleton & Keith Halperin

The Zoom meeting URL and password will be sent to people on our email list as the date approaches. If you are not on our email list, click here to sign up. No registration is necessary.

As usual at AASCEND meetings, attendees on the autism spectrum will offer their experience and perspectives throughout the program.

Who: Adults on the autism spectrum, families, mentors and professionals all welcome. For more information, please contact:
When: Sat May 6, 10am – 11am (approx.)
Where: Online via Zoom. URL and password will be emailed.

Autism in Prison

Here is the link to the video of Joseph Krauter’s inspiring presentation.

AASCEND wishes all a happy and healthy Autism Advancement Month! /// If you are autistic and have ever been pregnant, consider participating in the (paid) online survey below. /// If you haven’t already, check out this Forbes magazine article about the recent AASCEND Job Club focus on older autistics in the workforce. Also, see the latest about Love on the Spectrum, on AASCEND TV. /// Shupin House in San Francisco is inviting people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, and their family and friends, to a Passover Seder on April 9, 5-8pm. For details and to RSVP contact . You do NOT need to be Jewish to attend.

Sometimes autistic people end up in prison—too often because autistic traits led to their incarceration in the first place. The next AASCEND regular meeting will address the problem and challenges of autism, and neurogdivergence generally, in prison. Speaking with first-hand experience on the subject will be Joseph Krauter, an autistic former San Quentin inmate, and a writer.

The Zoom meeting URL and password will be sent to people on our email list as the date approaches. If you are not on our email list, click here to sign up. No registration is necessary.

Please come with your thoughtful questions for Joseph. As usual at AASCEND meetings, attendees on the autism spectrum will offer their experience and perspectives.

Who: Autistic people, families, mentors and professionals all welcome. For more information, please contact:
When: Sat Apr 15, 10am – 11am
Where: Online via Zoom, URL and password will be emailed

Autism Pregnancy Study Flyer