Legion of Honor to Land’s End Hike

The hike was a fine success, starting off with the sharing of ancient documents about an AASCEND member’s ancestors who were themselves members of the very Legion of Honor on whose memorial steps we convened. The weather was superb, and it was free day in the Legion of Honor building itself, providing very welcome bathroom access! There was a lot of friendly conversation and high spirits. Here are some pictures from the day. We hope to see you at an AASCEND hike soon – they are a lot of fun!

Summer is here and it’s a fine time for a midsummer’s day hike together. This time AASCEND reprises an old favorite, the hike at Land’s End, but this time we’ll do it backward, and with a small historical surprise at the beginning. At 11am on Saturday July 20 we’ll meet by the entryway arch of San Francisco’s Palace of the Legion of Honor (see picture above). One of AASCEND’s members has ancestors in the actual Legion of Honor, and we’ll have the engraved documents on hand for folks to look at. From there we’ll hike to Land’s End, near where we have started the hike in past years. We’ll stop for a rest and snack there and then loop back.

NOTE: The walk meets at 11am, not the usual 10am AASCEND meeting time. We plan to sit down together to eat, so bring a lunch. The Land’s End Lookout Cafe may be open. It’s San Francisco, so dress accordingly!

It will be great to meet, walk, talk and celebrate Summer together. See you there!

Who: Adults on the spectrum, family, professionals and friends all welcome!

When: Saturday, July 20 2024 at 11:00 AM

Where: Palace of the Legion of Honor, San Francisco (X on map above) Follow 34th Avenue north into the golf course. You may have to park along El Camino Del Mar. It’s also an easy walk from the 38 Geary bus.