Autistic Creativity Research Opportunity
Sara Schiattone, a graduate student at a university in Italy, is beginning a study of creativity in autism, and is recruiting autistic adults to take two short tests about creativity, and to respond to a questionnaire. Privacy standards will be observed. As a student she has no budget to pay the participants, but in participating you may help the world see how autistic people can contribute their creativity. If you are on the autism spectrum, 18 to 70 years old, and are interested in participating please email
On May 23 (Once again NOT the usual 3rd Saturday!) AASCEND will meet online via Zoom. This time we’re calling on the considerable talents of autistic speaker Tom Iland to hearten us during the pandemic with his talk on “Maximizing Productivity & Creating During COVID-19“. An email telling you how to join the meeting will be sent shortly before the meeting starts.

Many of you will recall Thomas Iland (pronounced like “island”) from his recent popular visit to AASCEND. Tom was diagnosed with autism at 13 years old. He left his career as a certified public accountant in 2015 to become an author, keynote speaker, diversity & inclusion consultant, and certified human potential coach. Tom is a Toastmasters International Accredited Speaker.
We look forward to Tom’s words of encouragement. As always, attendees on the spectrum will offer their experience and perspectives throughout the program, and there will be an opportunity for you to share how you are coping during this unusual time of pandemic.
If you have not used Zoom all you will have to do is click the link in that email and follow the prompts. If it asks you to download Zoom software, then go ahead and do that, following the prompts. Zoom makes this all pretty easy because that’s how they stay in business!
Who: Adults on the autism spectrum, families, mentors and professionals all welcome. For more information, please contact:
When: Sat May 23, 10am – 11am (approx)
Where: Online via Zoom. URL and password will be emailed.